RD photonics

RD photonics - Fiber Optic Sensing Services & Products


We repair and refurbish fiber optic sensing devices and laser systems. Our expertise includes not only fixing equipment, but also restoring it to nearly new condition.

Product lineup

High-quality fiber optic sensing devices and laser systems from leading providers. We guarantee reliable and cost-effective solutions. 

About us

RD Photonics is a Thailand based company. We focus on restoring and repairing fiber optic sensing equipment to ensure excellent performance and a longer lifespan. We also offer a selection of high-quality fiber optic devices from trusted partners, delivering dependable solutions for different sectors.
Director Mr. Ernest Novik

Contact us for more Information

RD Photonics is your trusted partner for fiber optic sensing services and products.

Address: Thailand Chonburi, view Talay 5b room 106

E-mail: info@rd-photonics.com

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